Friday, January 21, 2011

in the isle of lost hope

,.i live, lost and loveless
in an isle of lost hope
like a lion that has lost its pride
or has been cast aside by its pride
this is where the sun fades
a land where the moon sets
no stars in this night
nor you hear birds affright
this is a land of lost love
it is an isle of lost hope

I've lived here for as long
strong,never in the wrong
yet for so long
never a song from the lips
or a random sweep of the hip
and many are my comrades
lost and hopeless
with i as their king
don't we live in the isle of lost hope?

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Shall i die without a trial
shall i go in denial
how can u say go!
Where can i go?
My love undefined
endless and unconfined
like the endless seas
or a swarm of bees
i cant go, il just die
let me lay here
and the ghost be gon